Updates and new information added to this documentation
Credit Card
- Added the information about the maximum amount allowed for this request.
Credit Card
- Updated test cards page
New request on REST API - Body Auth Section
- Added a new request to create Multibanco references with DPG. This request is only available if some requirements are met. See more details in its page.
- Updated graphic elements
New request on REST API - ApiKey Auth Section
- Added clearer instructions about testing on all payment methods.
Credit Card
- Improved descriptions of the parameters successUrl, failUrl, backUrl and lang.
Additional Improvements
- Updated multiple pages with callouts (colored boxes with warnings, informations and additional notes).
New request on REST API - ApiKey Auth Section
- Added a new request to create payment requests with P24, a Polish payment method.
- Updated Multibanco request: Added param campos_extra and its id and valor params.
- Added an example on how to make requests with extra fields (campos_extra array of objects).
Credit Card
- Added the param "backUrl" that was missing on the param list
- Updated the name of the param for failover requests from failover to failOver
References by Status
- Updated the request to detail how to use properly this request and the differences between using a status param or don't use it at all
New request on REST API - OAuth Section
- Added a new request on request named Advanced Search. This request provides new possibilites to search in your account references by Identifier, since a specific date or the reference itself.
- Added parameters for Failover requests
- Added parameters for Failover requests
- Updated field names on the request: name is now reference, vat is now tax
- Included information how to insert 2FA authentication for testing purposes
Realtime Webhooks
- Updated the table on this page to display the correct format for date/hour information.
- Updated required fields: citizenNumber, issueCardDate, socialSecurityNumber, birthDate are no longer mandatory.
New request on REST API - OAuth Section
- Published a new request to get all paid references (transactions) in the last three months.
- Updated Summary page to include the new management service
REST API - Body Auth
- Added a new page that contains the list of all API response codes for this section
- Updated summary page of this section
REST API - OAuth Section
- Added a new subsection "Reference Information" that will include all new methods to search references and their available information.
New Section - Useful Resources
- Published a Changelog page
- Added Shortcuts to EuPago's Helpcenter, Backoffice and SOAP API.
New Request on REST API - OAuth Section
- Published a new request to cancel CofidisPay Credit Requests
- Updated Summary page to include the new management service
- Added maximum and minimum amounts allowed to create references
- Added maximum and minimum amounts allowed to create references
- Created a new subpage with Credit Card data for testing purposes
New Request on REST API - ApiKey Section
- Published CofidisPay request
- Updated Summary page to include CofidisPay payment method
- Added Test Numbers for Sandbox Environment
Credit Card
- Added a new subpage with Credit Card information for testing purposes
New Requests on REST API - OAuth Section
- Published Openbank request to create consents
- Published Openbank request to get consents list
- Published Openbank request to consult transactions
- Updated Summary Page to include Openbank service
Documentation was made available to general public.
Intro and Outh Section
- Created the first page that explained how the API works and different endpoints for different environments (Sandbox and Production).
- Published the request to create a Bearer Token
REST API - Body Auth
- Created a summary page of what to expect on this section and the authentication used for its requests
- Published Multibanco request
- Published MB WAY request
- Published MB WAY Edenred request
- Published Payshop request
- Published Paysafecard request
- Published Reference Information request
- Created a summary page of what to expect on this section and the authentication used for its requests
- Published Refund request
- Published Refund Information request
- Published Payouts request
- Published Payouts - Transactions request
- Published TRID Information request
- Published References by Status request
- Published Direct Debit List request
REST API - ApiKey Auth
- Created a summary page of what to expect on this section and the authentication used for its requests
- Published Credit Card request
- Published Split-Payments request
- Published Direct Debit Authorization request
- Published Direct Debit Payment request